====== TTGO ESP32 VGA32 v1.4 ====== ===== Makefile Environment Setup ===== * Install python-serial: DEBIAN# apt-get install python3-serial or GENTOO# emerge dev-python/pyserial or PYTHON# pip install pyserial * Clone the repo [[https://github.com/plerup/makeEspArduino|makeEspArduino]] cd ~/ mkdir src git clone https://github.com/plerup/makeEspArduino.git * Clone the esp32 environment [[https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32|arduino-esp32]] cd ~/src git clone https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32.git esp32 cd esp32 git checkout tags/2.0.8 git submodule update --init cd tools python3 get.py * Create core_version.h file (This file is required by some of the FabGL examples) austin@mightymouse ~/src/esp32 $ cat /home/austin/src/esp32/cores/esp32/core_version.h #define ARDUINO_ESP32_GIT_VER 0xd3254f75 #define ARDUINO_ESP32_GIT_DESC 2.0.8 #define ARDUINO_ESP32_RELEASE_2_0_8 #define ARDUINO_ESP32_RELEASE "2_0_8" ===== Building FabGL Examples ===== * Clone the FabGL repo [[https://github.com/fdivitto/FabGL|FabGL]] cd ~/src git clone https://github.com/fdivitto/FabGL.git * Create a Makefile * SpaceInvaders austin@mightymouse ~/src/FabGL/examples/VGA/SpaceInvaders $ cat Makefile LIBS = /home/austin/src/FabGL/src SKETCH = /home/austin/src/FabGL/examples/VGA/SpaceInvaders/SpaceInvaders.ino UPLOAD_PORT = /dev/ttyACM0 CHIP = esp32 ESP_ROOT=/home/austin/src/esp32 include /home/austin/src/makeEspArduino/makeEspArduino.mk * Compile and upload the sketch make flash ==== PCEmulator ==== * Makefile austin@mightymouse ~/src/FabGL/examples/VGA/PCEmulator $ cat Makefile LIBS = /home/austin/src/FabGL/src SKETCH = /home/austin/src/FabGL/examples/VGA/PCEmulator/PCEmulator.ino UPLOAD_PORT = /dev/ttyACM0 CHIP = esp32 ESP_ROOT=/home/austin/src/esp32 include /home/austin/src/makeEspArduino/makeEspArduino.mk * PCEmulator also requires a code change to the sketch as v1.4 of the SBC uses slightly different pinout diff --git a/examples/VGA/PCEmulator/PCEmulator.ino b/examples/VGA/PCEmulator/PCEmulator.ino index 2154fc24..27bef0e5 100644 --- a/examples/VGA/PCEmulator/PCEmulator.ino +++ b/examples/VGA/PCEmulator/PCEmulator.ino @@ -388,7 +388,8 @@ void setup() esp_spiram_init_cache(); #endif - if (!FileBrowser::mountSDCard(false, SD_MOUNT_PATH, 8)) // @TODO: reduce to 4? + //if (!FileBrowser::mountSDCard(false, SD_MOUNT_PATH, 8)) // @TODO: reduce to 4? + if (!FileBrowser::mountSDCard(false, "/SD", 8, 16*1024, 2, 12, 14, 13)) ibox.message("Error!", "This app requires a SD-CARD!", nullptr, nullptr); // uncomment to format SD! * To edit the floppy disk images that are downloaded you can loopback mount like so: mkdir imgmount mount -o loop floppy_FREEDOS.img imgmount/ * To edit the hdd images you need to include the offset: mount -o loop,offset=32256 hd20_DOSPROG.img imgmount/